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I didn’t apply to Bnos Chava, but just wanna tell you about interviews in general –

Don’t worry, be yourself, try to show them the best side of yourself. I think that really what seminaries are looking for is to see if they can see you fit into their seminary. They know what type their seminary is and they know which girls would do well there and which wouldn’t. If you think that you would fit into Bnos Chava and do really well there, then just relax and be yourself. Just try to show off your mature and knowledgeable and yearning to grow side as much as possible 🙂

(Then again, I applied to a seminary and the interview went so horribly I literally walked out embarrassed of all the things I messed up on and did wrong, and I had a friend who had a really good interview with them. And I got in, and she didn’t. Getting accepted to or rejected from seminary is totally in the hands of Hashem, it has nothing to do with logic, as far as I’ve experienced.)