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Oooh, good luck. Not to scare you or anything, but Rabbi Geisler takes great pride in making girls squirm at their interviews. (And no, that’s not my opinion, that’s the truth – he told us himself before he went to America when I was in seminary. We all told our “horror stories” and he was very pleased with himself.)

He will most likely pick out a long meforash for you to read, and you will most likely stumble over it and not understand it. DON’T WORRY! That’s what happens! Just don’t pretend to know what you’re talking about if you really don’t – just say, “I don’t understand this part. What does it mean?” I had to read two complicated meforshim and could barely make heads or tails of them (because they were hard, and because I was nervous), and he had to explain it all to me. Very uncomfortable.

He also wanted to know my SAT scores and what the breakdown was, he asked about my family and my school life, he asked about my favorite subjects and extracurricular activities, he asked why I wanted to go to Bnos Chava, and no, he did NOT ask what kind of animal or fruit I’d want to be or anything ridiculous like that. (But he has done it – it’s not just urban legend! So be prepared, but stay normal – don’t say “I’d like to be a bird to I can sing shira to Hashem,” say what you really think – “I’d like to be a cheetah because they can run fast” or whatever.)

Be prepared for him to question your answers and make you feel uncomfortable. IT DOES NOT MATTER. I walked out of that interview feeling like I’d NEVER get in, and guess what – I did! And I didn’t even have to get pushed in! There’s nothing to be afraid of, even if you feel that the interview went horribly. Just be yourself and be honest. Worse comes to worst – you won’t get in! And it’s not the end of the world!