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qt101, like I said, it’s been many years since I was there, but even then BC had a “jappy” reputation. I was nervous because I knew a lot of girls (from camp) who were going and were indeed jappy, not my type at all, and even ended up with a classic jap for a roommate. But you know what? The seminary is not jappy. Yes, there are japs. You’ll have them in every seminary. In BC, like the other seminaries, there are japs, but they are not the overwhelming majority. Just don’t make friends with them if you don’t care for that! It is a big seminary, and you’re bound to find at least a few friends who are your type.

But again, every year is different, and every seminary is different. I don’t know what it’s like there now, but it’s highly unlikely that you won’t find at least 3 girls who you like and can be friends with.

Good luck!