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Leizor, you are either happy with your Kallah or not. Nothing else matters. If you are looking for what else you can get then you have no clue what marriage is about and what you are doing. The point of getting married is to complete YOU. To find your “ezer knegdo”. To find your missing half”. It has nothing to do with what the mechutanim gift you with. The gift, the matanah is your future wife. If you don’t see that, then you are not worthy of her, and you are not ready by any means to get married.

Extra gifts are just cherries on top and are nice but meaningless and worthless if you don’t see the true value in the Kallah. AND if you do not see the true worth of your Kallah NOW, YOU will never honor her and respect her as you are required to, when she will be your wife. YOU my friend have a lot of thinking to do and you should sit down with your Rosh Yeshiva and figure this all out. YOU do not have your priorities in order. A wife is a matanah from Hashem and that is the ONLY matanah that YOU need and should be praying for.