Reply To: is there really a shidduch crisis???

Home Forums Shidduchim is there really a shidduch crisis??? Reply To: is there really a shidduch crisis???


Tums/DY- incorrect.

if the girls start at 19 and the guys at 23 why are the girls still around at 23 to have that probelm of

“guys marry younger girls than themselves thus “leaving over” the older girls (who are there own age”

shouldn’t the girls have been married in the first two three years of dating just like the boys are and thus we shouldn’t have so many girls who reach the same age as the boys….????

The answer is that from day one of their dating carrert the girls far out number the boys (because the girls start younger) and thus inevitable there will always be girls who will NOT get married in the first 3/4 years and thus end up “the same age as the boys”.


If there are twenty girls and ten boys in a group, and all the boys get married to the girls in that group, there are still ten girls who did not get married.-

correct and this is the shidduh crisis exactly. Now to solve it we need to understand and address why there are 20 girls and only 10 guys in the group.

If there are ten boys in that group and five of them are wasting time and taking their sweet time about “getting back to the girl,” so only five of them get married, there are 15 girls in that group not getting married. –

and there should be 5 guys still single? yet we don’t see that in the proportions you are suggesting (505 of the boys).

If there are 20 girls and twenty boys in a group who cannot make up their minds because they are unrealistically holding out for a “better shidduch,” which may or may not come their way, most likely none of them is getting married. Now we have a really big shidduch crisis. –

except that you picture is not accurate becasue the vast vast majority of boys DO get married and they actually get married quickly…