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The essence of music is intrisically ruchniyus (many midroshim and meforshim discuss this–i.e. Mizmor L’Dovid, L’Dovid Mizmor etc.). It can help bring one to the heights of d’vaykus to HKB”H, or R”L the opposite. There are those neshomos that are particularly sensitive to music and it’s powers, and each individual should be aware of which kind of music has a positive or negative effect on them. That being said, I heard many years ago two interesting points in a shiur about music: 1)The music itself absorbs the intentions of the composer, and will in turn have an effect on the listener–(I wish I could remember sources quoted…..) 2)All positive ruchniyus/Jewish music was created at Ma’mad Har Sinai and was stored away to later be retrieved by the neshomos that would come into the world to bring them down and have the effect that HKB”H wants it to. Just some musical food for thought.

It would bother me if a Jewish/Frum establishment chose to play non-Jewish music–there is a choice, but since I’m not the owner/proprietor then I could just make a friendly suggestion.