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I went to CL, and I loved it. I had friends who went to Meohr and loved it. They’re pretty equal schools I think as in the “level” of girls. Many people in CL applied to Meohr most of my friends in Meohr applied to CL.
I think they’re both great schools. I have heard that CL got a bad reputation which saddens me because it is an awesome school, with a really inspiring and caring staff. I went in with an ipod with nonjewish music and movies, and Rabbi Bulman had us all bring in our ipods in he and made me delelte them, which at the time I was so mad about because I had this whole philosophy that I was going to stop doing it on my own… anyway now I am so thankful he did that because I would have never been able to stop on my own like I stopped now.
When I was there, there was a huge mix of girls, I really wouldn’t know what “type” CL girls were, because we had a few girls who were secretly sneaking off to boyfriends but then we had girls who were really yeshivish and could have easily gone to Bnos Chava and others. The mechanchos are all awesome and such sweet women that you can really look up to, and all the teachers were also great. There were many differenet “types” so everyone had someone that they got obsessed with.
They moved to a dorm this year and I know many things changed, so in relation to that I can’t tell you much but feel free to ask me about it and I’ll try my best to answer!
I can’t say much about Meohr because you can never really know a school unless you went there, but I do know that it’s an amazing school, they have a really big shana bet program because everyone wants to come back after 🙂
Good luck deciding, it’s really tough!!
*ps I didn’t get into meohr so I didn’t have to decide between the two. but I did get into another school so I know how crazy it is, you feel like you’re deciding your future and you have no idea how to decide. again, the best of luck!!!!