Reply To: Rather stay single than marry someone who isnt what they envisioned…….

Home Forums Shidduchim Rather stay single than marry someone who isnt what they envisioned……. Reply To: Rather stay single than marry someone who isnt what they envisioned…….


At 28 a guy has dated 5 years. The equivalent of a girl who is 24. I agree, guys start at 23, some girls wait until 20.

33 is simply a condervative estimate of a guy who has dated 10 years. (if he started 23). And plenty of guys who are single at 33 end up married (unlike the girls who are single at 29). I agree.

I don’t reallly care if singles date for a while before they get married (though it’s nice if it happens quick). The goal is they should be married. I agree.

You stated rather stay single then marry- please support that statment. My point is that there are lots more singles than ever who go on for years looking for perfect, and sometimes they end up commiting (usually the guys, they have whom to commit to, because of what I wrote below), and sometimes they dont.

I can confidentially state that for the girls who have dated 10 years and are still single it is far far worse than it ever was.

For the boys there is no data to support that. I guess what it boils down to is that the guys, more often than not, can afford to be pickier than the girls, bec after a while girls run out of older guys to date, and guys dont have that problem, because they can simply rob a cradle, which girls cant do.