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Mytake: People in this generation are generally not aware of their weak points and the phsycological source of their weakness. This is how therapy works, it makes the individual naturally identify his/her weakness and its source, so that the individual can then have an easy time changing themselves. As the Mishnah says “Shaalas Chacham Chatzi Teshuvah”, and Rabbeinu Yonah explains that when you get inner recognition of your shortcomings then you are already halfway through rectifying it.

APY,TBT: Your idea for solving anger is not well understood, since one cannot work on controlling anger unless he/she is actually in the midst of experiencing those feelings of anger, [which cannot be preset to activate]. IMO anger is a very general feeling which can be caused to different people from different factors. So if someone wishes to work on controlling their anger, he/she must first analyze and identify which incidents cause them to feel angry. Then, they should work on logical problem solving ideas to similar situations should they arise again. This way when that similar incident occurs again [and they feel angry], they will already be prepared on how to work out the situation in a practical way and defuse the tensions, so that the feelings of anger can be kept in check w/o acting upon them in an irrational way.