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anon-im certainly not saying ALL. you know the ppl i am talking about. i agree that i dont know why schools were closed today. my school was closed yesterday too and parents were upset as were teachers. yes i wouldve been off anyways cuz im only there in the afternoons but still. and since i know your kids rather well, i know they NEED to be in school. but again here is what people dont understand…teachers burn out quicker because they are with a classroom full of children and each one can be nagging, kvetchy etc. also you would be suprised that some of the kids can have a “evil” streak in them. i had a rabbis kid in a class i was subbing at the beginning of the year and you know what he would said to me when i asked him to be quieter? “you suc*: that was a 5 year old child! when questioning the mother, the mother responded, “my child would NEVER say that.” later found out that some of the boys in that family werent speaking the proper way either. and again that was a principal/rabbi’s son! i had another kids hit me, bite me, push me and you tell me that their middos are OK? and then the parents deny that their childrendo wrong. i have one child where the mom will punish the kid at home even if she was already punished in school. the kids goes home tell her abt day, says morah “punished” me(punishing means going to thinking corner in her world) and if her mother hears that she repunishes her kid. its very very sad. why should she get it at home too? this child is chalishing for moms attention so when she says about good things going on in school mom doesnt listen. i feel bad for this child. another kid, the mother is so busy doing who knows what and complains no money, while shes all spiffed up and the child comes in with ripped tights(sometiems no tights) and clothes that dont fit. I want to so badly take her to buy clothing. i cry to the other teacher every day that i want to take these kids and give them all that they need. i cant take it! but yes there are other parents who are excited when their kids are home. but i rarely find it. do you know why we need off isru chag? how many times are kids going to sleep late or are off schedule? many! they need that one day to recouperate!

i do not complain about the money i get. yes i would like more. do you know how many times i feel embarassed to say im a teacher bec ppl sadly look down upon us?! why? because im not making the big bucks like others??? student- i know you are not putting down teachers but once someone starts about having their kids home etc it makes my blood boil because its such a bracha to have children which unfortunetly many dont have such a privelge. so im giving you a bracha…may you never complain about your children being home, continue to make money to raise your children easier and they should have fantastic beautiful middos that they learn from you!

oh and anon-u know what i would say to you abt ur kids lol