Reply To: Black hats

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I’m sorry I cannot quote it for you verbatim, but the shulchan aruch says that one’s torah must be the ikar of one’s day.

Someone can help me out here with exact marei mekomot but anyone who doesnt have kirvat hashem as his/her highest priority is not fulfilling the shulchan aruch.

And again, why do you assume everyone who is “MO” has a tv? why do you assume everyone who has a tv has inappropriate channels on it?

Why are you grouping all the people in YU together? Have you ever stepped foot on campus? You clearly don’t realize the spectrum of people you are talking about when you say “MO” which is why I’ve clarified, that those people you refer to are not “MO”. There are pleenty of kipah sruga, and even velvet kipa people who dont wear hats and would not qualify as yeshivish to you, but are very enviable in regards to their levels of yirah and kviat itim etc. And as thiiis topic developed, what we (as a subtopic underneath the OP) have been discussing, is that the black hat ie “yeshivish” indicator, is not a required accessory to be frum/ orthodox; and the lack of one in no way disqualifies someone from putting hashem first.

And if you want to define MO as someone who is affected by secular culture as you’ve said before, then everyone in lakewood is MO as well, because everyone’s dress has adapted according to society’s acceptable standards. Even the coveted black hat developed from what was considered distinguished in Europe.

Again, the point is black hat is not a requisite for putting Hashem first or being an excellent oved Hashem. Every orthodox movement puts hashem first be it bnei akiva, because if it doesnt then it isnt orthodox. And orthodox does NOT EQUAL yeshivish.

There are different hashkafot that different people subscribe to and thats okay and we shouldnt look down on other people for that. MO believe there is potential in things besides for torah to come close to hashem, and act accordingly. And beyond that, there is a wide spectrum of people within every group, yeshiviish MO etc.