Reply To: Black hats

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Religious Zionists would emphatically disagree with that statement.

They would be wrong, at the expense of being m’zalzel in the honor of a true adam gadol.

“so too does a woman/girl have a right to say she wants to marry someone who does wear a hat.”

Yes, we have a right to be stupid.

If she wants only someone who wears a hat and doesn’t care about anything else, that’s stupid. If it’s one prerequisite, then it’s not so simple.As an example, if a chassidishe girl would insist on a boy who will wear a streimel, would that be stupid? It would be, in fact, stupid for her not to insist on that; she’d be going out of her cultural boundaries and just asking for trouble.

Your example of you with your wife is unfair; we don’t know either of you.

I don’t have a TV. Does that make me no longer Modern Orthodox?

It makes you smart. 🙂