Reply To: baal teshuva shidduchim

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TBT, SB, maybe I did not express myself clearly.

We know that Shorosh is uncomfortable with the possibility that people will realize she is engaged/married to a BT and make remarks about it.

I am saying that this IS something that could very well occur. Even if he has the whole yeshivish FFB lingo down pat, his background is part of who he is. If someone asks him where his father davens, should he lie? Will Shorosh freak out if he says “My father isn’t frum, he doesn’t daven in shul”? If Shorosh wants an FFB, she can’t marry a BT thinking that he blends in so perfectly that no one will ever know. People will know. If she dates this boy, she needs to make her peace with this.

I hope I did not offend anyone. I hold baalei tshuva in the highest regard, and I know that each one is different. Some are more easily recognized as newcomers to Yiddishkeit, some less so, and some not at all. But an FFB girl needs to be comfortable and should be PROUD of her husband’s BT background, not embarrassed by it.