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OK. No one knows me here right?

Our shana rishona was really rocky. After the first of our cuties B”H came along, we realized that we’re in it for the long haul, and looked at things differently. B”H we’re happily married. Still. It was many years later I found a Medrash that said that Yaakov Avinu originally wanted to divorce Leah Emenu, so HaShem sent her offspring right away. Medrash continues: so Yaakov said “What, to the mother of these I should send away?!” Analyzing this we come to the conclusion the powerful force of the role of children in marriage. Yaakov was at the verge of sending her away, not out of hate or any other of today’s petty issues, he had VALID reasons (R. Miller states some), yet he held on because of the children. WOW!