Reply To: I was called crazy

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actually im passed the “newly married” part already. but thanks for calling me a pisher. I am a soon to be mom and im sorry that you dont care enough about your own kids to notice what is really going on. yes I have a mouth that I am NOT afraid to use. if it gets me into trouble so be it. but if it saves a life even better. a few months back i saw a woman sitting in the front seat of the car while the husband was taking the kids out. he left the baby in the car seat in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET! now for sure I was saying something. I said very nicely, that it was dangerous what was being done. had I not seen the carseat i couldve hit the baby and lo aleinu… does it matter if someone is a parent or not to know about safety? what about someone who wasnt zoche to have children and they are older, and they see something and say something? are they not allowed because they never had kids? having kids or not doesnt make a difference. If you care about children or another jew you look out for them. isnt that what ahavas yisroel is all about? and why should I stop because you dont like hearing the truth???

Aries-please dont take offense. If you have seen what ive seen you would def understand. I will not sit here and begin to tell you…and i didnt say 100% i said 90. you and all those other hard working mothers who dont have housekeepers raising their children are the ones I like!

student-i am not here to give constructive criticism. i was simply stating facts and how I was called “crazy” because I was looking out for another yid’s son! Maybe I will make sure not to care but last time I checked it says in the Torah “vneshmartem meod linafshosaychem” if this doesnt fall into that category than what does?

I would like to give you a scenario:

Your child is off bike riding. Forget that you dont know where he is. But he’s somewhere and he’s without a helmet. Now lets say C”V he falls and he hit his head. Someone who knows him sees him and calls you to tell you that he’s unconscious. Now, had he been wearing his helmet he wouldnt have been badly injured. What is going thru your mind at this point? Besides is he going to be OK? Once you get to the hospital the doctors will most likely be “yelling” at you for no helmet. Wouldnt you rather be safe than sorry and know that someone is calling you to tell you your child is without a helmet??? I’m sorry but I rather that phone call then anything else! How many times do we hear someone is hurt because of a car accident and no seat belt? And I see parents driving all the time and kids are standing and also not wearing seatbelts? Do you not care about your children???? I seriously dont understand people! They say all the time people die in cars lo aleinu and you know what my uncle was one of them! For that I am so makpid about seatbelts! If I see a parent driving without the kids buckled I will of course open my mouth. If you yourself have a seat belt or a helmet on why shouldnt your kids? I cry thinking about how many kids are chalishing for their parents to notice them and to make sure these kids are safe. It is not fair to hurt your own children! they are precious beings and are our future legacies! Please keep them safe and let parents knwo if a child isnt. Because honestly…you do not want to chas vshalom be on that receiving end of that phone call!