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Eclipse – You have to figure out a way to stop her bad behavior immediately. The OTD behavior will take time (possibly years). You can ask advice from a therapist or a mentor. I would (if it was my kid -who had bad behavior along with the OTD) immediately challenge her -Where are you going? With whom are you going? Probably way before that time -I’d tell her to go to sleep.

I just have the OTD kids, not the problematic behavior kids.

I don’t understand why most people in the frum community automatically assume if your kid(s) are OTD, they must be doing bad things, eg. drugs, etc. Maybe these people are just ignorant.

Just think to yourself, not from a religious perspective, how would an upstanding Goyishe mother deal with this kind of behavior! Mentchlichkeit and Yiddishkeit aren’t synonymous. There are frei people with Mentchlichkeit and there are frum people without Mentchlichkeit!