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In this case, you are correct. However, if the “defacer” did not do anything unlawful, I would not be in the right if I took action. Complain, public pressure etc. might work, but it might not.

Yes, if I would “desecrate the host” I would be stupid (Many Jews have been killed for much less), but if it wasn’t illegal (let’s say), there would not be much that a Catholic could do about it. And if he/she thought is was worth violence, then they would pay the consequences.

(In general, I don’t go for a “what if the shoe was on your foot” type of argument.) I might not like it, but my personal feelings are not the point. Furthermore, if the athiest in question decided that he didn’t like my

and illegally removed it, then he/she would be arrested (hopefully). That doesn’t make the doer feel (perhaps) that the action was any less worthwhile.

Let’s bring this case specificly. If the Bochrim in question were arrested & thrown in jail for vandalism, would they still feel they did the right thing?