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I would point out that the problem that was raised at the start of the thread is one of the very issues that were raised by those oppossed to the initial construction of the eruv.
Mainly that it is very hard for people to remain aware of the exact boundries of th eiruv which can ( and is alleged here to have done) cause actual Chillul Shabbos.
While at the time these Rabbonim were laughed at for being so “simpleminded” it seems that there is reason to beleive that it is they who were correct.
As it is quite well known that the Gedolim of previous Generations were opposed to the building of an Eiruv (For whatever reason) and it would seem that it is only present day Rabbonim who have permitted it one could perhaps see from here the wisdom of Chazal “If the elders say to destroy and the youn ones say to build, then destroy for the destruction of the elders is building and the building of the young ones is destruction”
Woe to to the Dor that has forgotten the Gedolim who built the Torah World we live in.