Reply To: Boro Park Eruv

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Ben Levi


First off none of the Four Rabbonim mentioned signed onto that Kol Korah and they all said so publicly.

The specific reason they did not sign that Kol Koreh is in order to prevent people from BP interfering in Flatbush.

Again this was stated publicly by Rav Feivel Cohen ( I personally heard it).

I am unaware of the fact that Lodz or Odessa had shishim riboh, in the case of Warsaw which did have Shishim Ribboh there is a river running through the middle of Warsaw which complicated matters.

As for your statements about the Mishna Berura.

First off to say the “we are now aware that the overwhelming majority of Rishonim held of Shishim Ribboh” is comical.

It’s simply untrue.

You can try and say that there are a number of Rishonim who did hold like that however the Mishna Berurah’s two main problems (from memory since it’s a number of years since I learnt these inyonim) with it is 1) since it is a machlokes rishonim it should be regarded as safeik d’oiraisa l’chumra 2) The Shulchan Aruch qoutes it as a “yesh Omrim” meaning he did not hold of it.

Many Gedolei Poskim in fact held that the real reason why people were somech on “shishim ribboh” in Europe was because of “dochak Hashoh” even though it should have been sofeik d’oraisa l’chumra.

In fact the Psak of the Gra (qouted by an earlier poster) never to rely on eiruvin was based on the fact the Gra held unacceptable kulos had been introduced to eiruvin in account of the great need for them in Europe.

The thrust of Rav Aaron Kotler’s teshuva on the Eiruv as well if I recall is to show that one cannot rely on shishim ribboh B’zman Hazeh where the need for an eiruv is not “shas hadchak” as in Europe.

As for Paris Rav Chaim Ozer in consultation with the Chazon Ish in fact paskened that Paris was a Reshus Harabim if not for the sea walls the teshuva was to Rav munk zt”l and is printed in AchiEzer.

I find it amusing that so far you have deemed the Mishna Berurah followed by Rav Moshe as “misinformed” in order to justify your position.

As for Rav Wosner’s reaction to his son there are witnesses to it and they were far from the terrorists. Rabbi Simcha Klohr, Ruby Shron, Rav Feivel Cohen among others.