Reply To: Eruv in Brooklyn

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Seriously, it is very simple. Follow your community standards, or ask a rov and do as he says. And don’t condemn others who follow their rabbonim. If someone asks you, tell him my rov X told me (to), (not to) use the eruv.

I once found mashke in a store that the most respected posek of my community in EY does not use or recommend (he happens to be Rav Landa) and therefore would not have been consumed by >75% of the mispalelim at the shul I would have brought it to. I explained why I refused to buy it and given my appearance the owner asked me if he should tell frum Yidden not to use it. I said, tell them Rav Landa (known to be the most machmir on food and drink and having posseled it because of rumors of contact with milk) does not accept it.