Reply To: Eruv in Brooklyn

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Feif Un

Here’s another question: in order to carry between one reshus hayachid and another, don’t you need an eruv chatzeiros?

In a city/town where there’s an eruv, it’s assumed that the people all agree to the eruv, and are represented by the Rav in charge, who makes that eruv, and therefore everyone can use the eruv. Even for those who don’t use the eruv, they don’t hold it’s assur, they simply are machmir, but still participate in the communal eruv chatzeiros. At least, that’s how it was explained to me.

Now, in Brooklyn, where many people hold the eruv is not a good eruv, and causes chillul Shabbos, how can you make a communal eruv chatzeiros? You might not be over on carrying 4 amos, but you can’t transfer things from your house to outside. Any ideas?