Reply To: Stop minding your own buisness!

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MW, you want to argue with me but I don’t want to argue with you. I brought down points that were discussed in the other thread but you want to credit them to me personally.

This one thing I will tell you which is my shita. You don’t give tochacha to someone you don’t know because in order to give tochacha or help someone to make a correction you have to know that they will appreciate what you tell them and they will make the correction. If they will not listen and make the correction YOU are NOT allowed to give the tochecha because it makes their “knowledgeable” action worse. That is why it is so very important WHO gives the tochacha, HOW it is given and to WHOM it is given. So NO you can’t just go over to a person in the street and try to “HELP” them. YOU can’t just give someone you don’t know your words of wisdom.

There was a very frum older woman in BP who used to walk over to every young woman and any woman and point to their open collar and tell them to close their top button. Most women did NOT appreciate it. They left their top button open because they wanted to and they did not close their top button because she told them too. So did her tochacha help or harm? Was she doing the right thing? Even is she said it nicely like “you forgot to close your top button”. The response was not “thank you” it was “no I didn’t”.