Reply To: Job Interview/Shave/Omer/Beard

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I have started my career in accounting and have since moved on to private and can tell you that you should with fair certanty shave ( I am not a rov but am familiar with the firm) it is not a heimeshe business and thus you do need to look your finest. With regards to the yarmulkah, most industries in NY have no issues with yarmulkahs. Some lawyers do not wear them but otherwise most people in mmost industries do.

With regards to an english name, I use an english name as it is might simpler to introduce to people regardless of whether there is a “CH” in the name. I do not shave now but if I have meetings then I will shave depending on who I am meeting with including people that i work with. You need to find a level that you are comfortable with and try to stick to it.