Reply To: Do You Show Gratitude To Your Parents? If Yes, How? How Often?

Home Forums Family Matters Do You Show Gratitude To Your Parents? If Yes, How? How Often? Reply To: Do You Show Gratitude To Your Parents? If Yes, How? How Often?

pascha bchochma


1. Thank them for something they did for you

2. Tell them about your accomplishments, even the little ones (My mother LOVES hearing about when I got a compliment or award – even if it’s not that important, it makes her feel so happy. I figure, I share with her all my problems, why not also tell her the good stuff?)

3. If it’s too hard to talk, do it by email. But do it.

4. Offer to go with them some place.

5. Tell them what you’re doing. I try to call my parents every day at 5pm just to let them know where I am and when I’ll be coming home. They really love it.

6. When you can, ask them for advice (about things you can really listen to them in.) Then after u use the advice, tell them you used it and appreciated it.

7. It really is a challenge. I struggle in other ways in Kibud Av Va’Eim. But remember, it’s one of the biggest mitzvos!