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dear boro park girl. there are certain grooming tasks that while necesary and commendable are not necessarily pleasant to watch. i don’t enjoy watching people clean their noses or cut their toenails or even brush their teeth, its just not esthetic.. if your husband doesn’t mind seeing you with makeup, but just makes funny comments on watching the application, then don’t worry about it. put it on not in his presence. by the way, he may never have witnessed his mother or sisters do it so it may seem very weird to him. funnily enough after being married for over 30 years and wearing make up for almost every day , except yomkippur and tisha b’av. my husband one day asked what took me so long to get ready in the morning . i said i was putting on make up. he said “why do you need makeup” i laughed out loud. to me this meant that 1) he thought i looked good without it, and 2) he really thought i looked good cuz he didn’t realize that i was always wearing makeup.

my married son who is the sweetest, kindest yeshiva guy, and grew up in a family where the women wear makeup, and nail polish says whenever the topic comes up. don’t talk to me, i’m a guy and i just don’t understand why you need it or want it. suffice to say Hahem made women like makeup, and our guys just have to accept that. of course it should always be tasteful and refined and tsanua.