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The Gemarah in Berachos 17a asks on the posuk in Yishaya 32:9:

…???? ??????…???? ?????

Why are woman zocheh to be called “?????? (complacent)” and “?????(confident)”?

The Gemarah in Sota 21a after a short discussion about how Torah protects a person while he is learning, wonders about women who aren’t commanded to learn Torah.

In both cases the gemarah comes to the conclusion that women’s zchus in Torah comes from sending their boys to cheider and their husbands to the beis midrash.

What comes out then is that a married woman can increase her zchus in Torah by having more boys. Therefore, having boys is – in this respect more beneficial for the mother than the father.

Also, I’m not a Darshan but I’d point out that in both cases the Gemarah lists ‘sending their sons to cheider’ before ‘sending their husbands to beis midrash’. Maybe there is even a bigger zchus from the sons than from the husband.