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Yichus gives you a feeling as being part of the elite; like when you attend her family simchas and you are represented as being part of their elite club.

Big furry deal. I don’t need an artifical “elite” feeling. If I earn elite status, that’s one thing. But to have it simply because I married into it? No thanks.

Also usually ‘protektzia’ comes together with yichus. This can help with getting yourself a good job or getting your children into the mosdos of your choice.

If a place is going to accept/reject my kids simply because of who their grandfather was regardless of the actual content of his/her character, then I’m better off without them.

Additionally, yichus can give you immediate public recognition, since people will naturally assume that you must be something special if a yichusdik family took you for a son in law.

Again, I don’t need fame-by-association. If I want it, I’d rather have it because I earned it in my own right.

The Wolf