Reply To: yichus in shidduchim

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Wolf: The definition of a Talmid Chochom isn’t a matter of opinion on which you can disagree.

OK, so I’m a kofer with a differing opinion.

The Gemorah enumerates the attributes of a Talmid Chochom. These include not being the last to enter the Beis HaMedrash, not talking to a woman in the street, etc.

I guess I’m definitely not a Talmid Chochom then. I hold the door open for people and purposely go in last. I also talk to my wife in the street. Just further proof that I’m the lowest of the low.

The opening sentence says a Talmid Chochom is modest, humble, endures justice, avoids wrongdoing, etc.

Definitely not me, as we’ve observed.

The Wolf