Reply To: Anyone see these rediculous "Doomsday" Ads in Subway?

Home Forums In The News Anyone see these rediculous "Doomsday" Ads in Subway? Reply To: Anyone see these rediculous "Doomsday" Ads in Subway?


Mr. Doomsday is part of a larger “church”. Just google Harold Camping. No, he isn’t predicting any fires, just an earthquake. 6pm., but dont hold him to the time, he is only reasonably sure of the time, but the date and what will happen he is certainly sure. From the cnnmoney article about him, the writer seems to imply (it’s what I infer from the article and the way it is written and the things it focuses on) that Mr. Camping will abscond with the church money. According to their IRS filing, they get on avg 18 million dollars a year in donations and account for 8-10 million in expenses.