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Let’s pay attention again to Ravsholom’s post:
“For all those concerned, the SA specifically says that the issue is only if someone is ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??????. This clearly refers to a situation such as a pub or a bar, not a date in a hotel lounge. Further, the Rama cites numerous Rishonim and Acharonim that beer made from grain (such as most beer on the market today) would be permitted, and that such is the minhag in ?????? ??? i.e. Ashkenazi communities.”
Not every bar and pub fall into that category either. The g’mara relates instances of chazal drinking at a tavern; where else did they quench their thirst when on the road? Let’s not disregard the Rama who cites that alcoholic beverages made from grain, i.e. beer, whisky, vodka, etc. is ok to be maikel
And what about getting drinks served from the bar at a simcha which is catered by the goyish hotel; is this assur too? Of course not.