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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Why can we not make judgements on which poskim are bigger? Would we not agree that R’ Moshe was bigger than any poskim alive today? True, we are “peanuts” and have no such hasagos on our own, but we have the opinions of our Rabbonim. If I’m not right, then we can’t judge who is a legitimate posek at all.

Find me a respected rov who considers R’ Belky bigger than the gedolei haposkim in EY! I know my rebbeim consider them bigger! R’ Dovid Feinstein has not issued a psak because R’ Elyashiv already gave his psak. Does this not tell us whom he feels is a bigger posek? Not to belittle R’ Belsky, chas v’sholom, but why would one follow his psak l’kulo against the gedolei haposkim in EY?