Reply To: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos Reply To: Were not Chassidish at all, but we go to Rebbes for Brachos

golden mom

First of all like was said bf the sklener rebbe is known for telling women to shave. If u believe that he has the koach to give u a brocho why do u think he doesn’t have the koach to tell u to do st which will be a zechus for u. I know the non chasidish have a very hard time understanding the koach of rebbe but I believe he wouldn’t tell u to do it if he felt it wasn’t for u. Also Hashem doesn’t put us in situations we can not handle so obviously u can handel this. And who says shaving means bald the machine has many numbers start w the biggest ull see that its not so bad u will defiantly be cooler in the summer. And u don’t have to tell anybody u don’t need all friends and family comments just between u and ur husband