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Pork is also enjoyable…

In fact, once when asked what he misses most since he became a BT, the response was pork.

I think pork itself is disgusting…but bacon is a different story.

Either way, I remember that Rabbi Akiva Tatz says there is a kosher way to fulfill all non-kosher cravings. Such as by preparing the udder of a cow correctly, one could make it taste like meat mixed with dairy.

Either way, I’ve compiled a small list from my own experience:

-Kosher Bacos are very similar in taste to (although not as juicy as) bacon.

-Basic ham tastes like licking your sweaty arm on a hot day (just not as salty or hairy)

-Lobster really doesn’t have any taste (that’s why people dip it into sauce).

-Crawfish tastes like mud…same with most (but not all) catfish.

-Imitation crab (made from fish) actually tastes better than the real flavor of crab, but people just like to break the shell of the crab & that’s what’s fun about eating it; same thing with lobster)

-Some pickled “whole” Okra tastes & has the same texture as shrimp.

-Turtle & rabbit taste just like chicken.

-Drywall & cardboard tastes just like matzah…sorry, but it’s true.