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“It is the latest krumkeit and is totally wrong. Women and girls belong at home dealing with house things – the meal, kids etc.”

“I wish when people write these things they would add in my opinion, since there is no halacha backing this up.”

I personally know of multiple Gedolei Roshei Yeshivos who said that when women publicly practice a religous something that is solely in the domain of the men, (ie laining, shavuos night learning, etc), the motivation is wanting to be equal to – the same as – men. Women who are truly religously motivated l’shaim shamayim do their thing without any fanfare or political statement. There are many stories about the rebbetzins of gedolim throughout the generations who did all kinds of things. However, specifically in regards to shavuos, there is no basis whatsoever for the women to stay up all night learning. That does not mean that it is intrinsically asur. However, if it could/will? lead to even the slightest argument with her husband, if she’ll be in a worse mood on shavuos, etc, then she’ll be worse off for doing so. The feminist movement doesn’t understand the idea of different yet equal. HASHEM gave men things to do and gave women things to do. (One went as far as to say that a woman who wants to have, for example, a womens minyan is lying when she says the bracha of she’asani kirtzono because she clearly is jealous of the avodah given to men.) There is unlimited room for real spiritual growth within the framework of mitzvos given to women. Do these same women also strive to work on their middos with the same zeal? Usually not. Just as a woman should not be yearning to express her religous fervor through putting on tefillin, a woman should not look to staying up all night on shavuos as a means to spiritual fulfillment. Furthermore, there are shitos that hold that a man who will have his davening negatively impacted as a result of staying up all night should not. And the nashim tzidkaniyos who have stayed up all night were on a pretty high madreigah who already were tremendous baalei middos etc.