Reply To: Older Guys in Shidduchim

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I like to call them “professional rejectors.”

Yes, I know they are not all like this, but the vast majority of them are.

Do they ever get married? Usually. To someone who it’s “comfortable” for them to be with.

I recently went out with one such guy. He was a little older than the norm; very set in his ways and proud of himself. He is looking for someone very specific and I fit that description very well. But he said no without giving me a second date. I can’t imagine how he came to the conclusion that “our personalities did not match” because he didn’t ask me any questions about myself, and even so, our conversation flowed very nicely… it was very strange. I wish him all the best.

If you think about it, these guys have gone out on MANY dates, probably over a hundred. What’s the common denominator of all these dates? HIM! So there must be something going on there. Just saying.

Also – I’m NOT denying the fact that for some people it takes longer. This is sooo true. I’ve seen countless guys get married in their late 20’s, early 30’s… it just took them longer to find their basherte.

Ultimately, Hashem is running the world and we have to do our hishtadlus (which means not to reject so easily!!!!!)