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Night: The standard whole grain challah with tehina and chumus

Baked ziti spiffed up to be ole al shulchan melachim (tomato

sauce, sheredded cheese veggie gems (stir fried florets of

cauliflower, bits of red bell pepper, okra added for slime.

Low fat cheese cake in whole wheat and cormeal crust.

Guaranteed to leave nobody hungry.

Day: Plum/rosmary noodle kugle with sourcream replacing half the

egg content. (variation strawberry and mint)

Pumpkin or sweet potato pie, sweetened with date honey and

filled with pistachios. (variation shredded pineapple and

rolled oats.)

Schav with sour cream, chopped leek,cucumber and boiled

potato. Ice cream. Same guarantee as the night.