Reply To: Number 23

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am yisrael chai

-Perek 23 of Tehilim is said by Shalosh Seudos

-23 Tishray is Simchas Torah in chutz la’aretz

-Mesechtos Makos has 23 dapim (excluding daf alef!)

-On the 23rd day of Sivan the second letters were sent out by Mordechai and Esther in the name of Achashveirosh

-Yirmiyahu reprimands B”Y that he has been warning them for 23 years about improving their behavior (Yirmiyahu 25:3)

-On the 23rd day of the 7th month, Shlomo sent B”Y back home, happy for the good fortune that Hashem showed him, David, & all B”Y (Divrei Hayamim bais 7:10)

-Tola ben Puah judged for 23 years (Shoftim 10:2)

-During King Yehosh’s 23rd year of reign,he had Yehoyada fix the problem of bedek haBayis (Melachim bais, 12:7)

-Yehoachaz was 23 when he ruled J-m (Melachim bais 23:31)

-gm’ of ???, we daven to Hashem for forgiveness as a Father

-gm’ of ??? ??, Hashem is our Father