Reply To: The Bombadier Beetle

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That is the difference between Torah and modern krumkeit.

Torah shows how EVERYTHING in creation is a miracle; the very fact that we are here and can do His will and create as He does is the biggest miracle of all.

Modern krumkeit a/k/a science tries to reduce everything to a set of scientific explanations that may temporarily explain HOW it works but will never explain WHY it works because Torah has already explained that.

Very nice to know the mechanism of krias Yam Suf (or better yet to have the arrogance to THINK that we know it because tomorrow someone will come up with a different explanation). But WHY did it happen just when am Yisroel needed it to happen?

Some koifer once came up with a theory that lehavdil the whole Matan Torah was chas vesholom a mass delusion that was caused by the ingestion of some hallucinogenic weed that grew near Har Sinai. The Yam Suf explanation may be just as ridiculous and far from the truth as this unmitigated nonsense for all we know.