Reply To: Fighting the Sodomites

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zahavasdad, in addition to Health’s point, you are making a (false) assumption that you will never meet them and you are also ignoring the societal ramifications of which, as I said earlier, do apply even to those in Boro Park.

The first mistake is to think this perversion is “merely” what “someone does in their private home”.

Do you ever travel to, for example, Manhattan’s Penn Station? Do you not realize that Penn Station (not to mention beaches and other places that could be avoided) looks different today than years ago? Do you not realize that, the more “normal” this perversion becomes, CH”V, you and everyone will see men holding hands and more strutting through Penn Station? Do you not realize this will have a powerful sub-conscious impact on you and certainly on impressionable children?

That’s besides the less tangible but still frightening societal changes it would bring.