Reply To: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children

Home Forums Family Matters A child's cry – How divorce ravages children Reply To: A child's cry – How divorce ravages children


SD -“First of all, if a parent is at the point of not being frum, they will not refrain from divorce in order to keep the children in a frum home.”

Well what about the scenario- were perhaps the Parent would remain Frum or remain Frummer if they remained in the marriage? Or your only concern is happiness and no discord in the family?

“Secondly, there cannot be a general rule about that because every home is different.”

Ok, so why are you generalizing that everytime there is discord- the kids will go OTD? I got news for you, a lot of the families from my parent’s generation had plenty of discord and most of the kids didn’t go OTD!

There is a very big Machla in our generation with e/o pushing divorce instead of pushing both parents into therapy to try to make it work. E/o is all of a sudden a marriage expert and they know that things are always better after divorce. The grass is always greener on the other side! I got news for you – 9 out of 10 times, divorce is the wrong solution!