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m in Israel

Th OP listed a bunch of character traits

“forgives and forgets,” (possibly a d’oraisa requirement)

“does constant chesed to the point of being taken advantage of,”

“keeps quiet when insulted,” (see above quoted chazal “hanealavim vainom onim. . .”)

“is kind to the mean person….” (numerous Mitzvos requiring kindness that is not dependent on whether the other individual is “mean” or not)

Everyone seems to be responding the the “being taken advantage of” part, but it seems to me that the type of person who has all the other qualities is probably also choosing to do the Chessed because it is the right thing to do. Obviously one must know the appropriate Halachos and guidelines regarding Chessed. (There is even a maximum amount of Tzedakah that one is permitted to give.) But the general description is one that according to Torah hashkafa is proper, nothing to do with “touchy feely”.