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coffee addict

Well I don’t know if you noticed, but lately every organization has resorted to raffles and chinese auctions to get people to give, or to ridiculous segulos… Old fashioned Tzedakah is just too boring and blah for people these days.

Face reality, we live in very dark times in the Ikvesa Demishicha. Its hard to find true Ehrlich Yidden that feel proud to be Jews and are self motivated to do Mitzvos the way they are meant to be done because its what Hashem wants. People need gimmicks today to do anything these days…

Im not bashing, I agree its sad and there’s a lot that goes on these days that bothers me. Im not happy when I Daven in a Shul and a significant amount of people talk throughout chazaras hashatz and kaddish as if there’s no issue with it. There’s a whole laundry list of things that bother me, but you know what, its not my job to judge them and i cant change them I can change ME. All I can do is try my best to do what Hashem expects of me.

Something I noticed is that many people learn by example to do good just as they do to do wrong. If they see that those around them act in a certain positive way like Daven with Kavana, do chasadim…it rubs off on them and influences them, sometimes it makes them feel guilty and they end up doing the right thing because “if he can do it so can I.”

So dont focus on the negative. If we put all of our energies into spreading light in the world and trying to be a kiddush Hashem wherever we are, there would be a lot less things that will bother us out there…