Reply To: Jewish music vs. not so-Jewish music

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on the ball

Basket of Radishes:

Simply to say ‘Don’t worry G-d made it all’ dismissively brushes aside the valid concern sammyp had. Music is very powerful way of bringing out emotions and feelings. It can uplift, make you more spiritual and it can also conversely bring to the surface the animal/unrefined element of any person.

It all depends on the type of music. Rock, Jazz, Heavy Metal etc. may be enjoyable but their essence is to bring out the lower side of us. Studies have shown a causation link between the emergence of Rock’n’roll and the permissiveness that swept through the sixties.

So yes, G-d made it all but G-d made lots of things that we as a holy nation have to keep away from. Obvious examples are the various forbidden food like pork, shrimp and forbidden relationships.

But its not only things expressly forbidden. We are commanded to be holy, closer to G-d, to accentuate our spiritual rather than physical side (see the famous commentary of Ramban at the beginning of Parshas Kedoshim). That means not indulging in pleasure and being engrossed in its pursuit for its own sake (a difficult one), and keeping a distance from things that while technically permitted (and yes, created by G-d), push us away from Him.