Reply To: Can I Have A Starbucks Frappuchino Or Not??

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can I Have A Starbucks Frappuchino Or Not?? Reply To: Can I Have A Starbucks Frappuchino Or Not??


600 Kilo Bear-

I have no idea what your rant is about Coke, which kehilah here assurs it, or what it has to do with Starbucks. I always thought that the Coke syrup is the same here as in E.Y. But this is not a Coke thread.

the boss- and kollelguy_dot_com-

The website you are referring to has no backing from any Rabbonim or experts in the field of kashrus. Kashrus is quite complicated. Two guys doing research into Starbucks have no business runnng this type of website without any Rabbinic backing.

They have no problem arguing with the CRC based on their own logic. CRC did at least as much research as they did. They have experience. They have poskim (who are not extreme machmirim.)

The BIG kulos given on that site are based on a psak from a Rabbi who’s standards are not accepted by almost any other orthodox Rabbi or any kashrus organization. According to that Rabbi, one may eat Hellmans mayonnaise on Pesach. In fact, you can eat almost anything on Pesach. His Sifrei Torah were rendered posul by almost every one of the accepted Poskim of our times, here and in Eretz Yisroel.

Don’t drink off of websites who have no Vaad or Rabbi backing them. Stick to the reputable Vaadim such as CRC and others.

And by the way, enjoy your kosher coffee!!