Reply To: Making Aliyah

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Again – enough with this old tzioinish meraglim lie. Hashem did not bring us back to EY this time. Baryoinim seized the land, with permission from an illegitimate world body that then turned on those same baryoinim, and set up a secular polity there. If anything, the tzioinim are grasshoppers compared to the Jews – their whole ideology is falling apart and the new generation could care less where they live. However, there is no clear mitzvas yishuv haaretz and if you are going to get caught up in or contribute to the tuma, you will be swallowed up and/or vomited out.

When I look at the famous “listim atem” Rashi, I can only think of how the world sees a bunch of people who do not believe at all in the validity of the Torah, but have decided they are the heirs to the land Hashem promised us in the Torah.

An Arab terrorist imprisoned in a jail in EY once saw his Jewish guard eating pita on Pesach. He told the guard that he knew the Arabs would win because the Jews act as they do.