Reply To: Fund Established to Aid Leiby Kletzky's Family

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Sorry about Middlepath and his/her story. What is important in this story is the Achdus, unity to which alot of credit must be give to Rav Eisenberger,who is a Rav par excellence. Sorry, but halvei all kehillos would have a Rav as him. Rav Eisenberger is available for his kehilla 24/7 and is involved in every aspect one can think of and not as in this tragedy. And this holy neshama that was so plucked away from us was also such a giving person. An aquaintance of mine lives in the same building. Her mother’s nurses commented that when they got to the building in the morning or evening, if Leiby Z”L was outside, he would run to open the door for them. One of these nurses was in tears and crying ,”oh no, it can’t be my little boy”. Let us do and think only good in his memory. FARGIN!