Reply To: Feel like no one cares!

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Happiest, are you keeping a daily journal? That helps sometimes to sort out your thoughts and your feelings. Some times it just feels better to vent out your feelings as you are feeling them, your thoughts as well. You can review them any time you want. So you can look at how you were feeling yesterday for instance or what your thoughts were negative or positive and use that as a starting point to let your friends know what kind of support you need. It sounds like you don’t want people to “tell” you what to do, what to think nor how to feel. Even though there are things that you need to change and of course you need to move forward and get on with your life, but you really don’t want to hear it from anyone but your own inner voice.

It might be more helpful if you would just allow your friends to just ask you straight out “how are you feeling today? What kind of mood are you in? In which direction would you like me to guide you?” In that way if you are feeling lousy and you need cheering up you can let them know and they can tell you jokes, invite you out for lunch or a movie, or whatever helps you to lift your spirits. If you “feel” like talking you can let them know and they can tell you when they are available to come over or if you should meet up with them, but “H”, you need to be clear if you are asking for advice or just need them to “listen to understand”. Normally people are NOT intuitive enough to know for themselves which way you want them to go.