Reply To: What have you "given up" to be frum?

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May you who are so stringent be dealt with by a stingent judge in the future.

…I dont see how this is anti-Torah at any length.

Can you see how cursing people might be anti-Torah?

But that said, keeping a slaughter free diet is not against our way of life.

And HaShem says:

“…you may slaughter of your cattle and of your sheep, …and you may eat in your cities, according to every desire of your soul.” Devarim 12:21

Also, could kohanim during the time of the Beis Hamikdash keep a slaughter-free diet?

In fact, I argue that it is a higher priority in that you are not consuming any blood at all. And we are told not to eat blood in the Tanakh.

After an animal has been kashered correctly, there is no problem with eating any blood that might remain. We are even allowed to eat liver. Not eating meat for this reason would be like taking an entire palm tree on sukkos for a lulav.