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minyan gal

“Who cares “why” conservative or reform or feminist apikorsum did this or that? “

I happen to care very much and consider this a valid question. As a Conservative woman who attends minyan daily, this is an important issuefor me. When the shuls became egalitarian it took me many years to come to terms with the idea. Now I happen to be in favor of it and enjoy my davening and aliyot and occasionally reading from the Torah. It is not your place to cast aspersions on me or my beliefs – I have done nothing to you. People like you are divisive to Klal Yisroel. Would you prefer that I never attend shul or light Shabbas candles or continue taking Judaic study programs, etc, etc, just because being frum is not an option for me. If it is your lifestyle, I am happy for you and I have no desire to change your beliefs or to “convert” you to my way of life. I would appreciate the same courtesy. I am Jewish – just the same as you are.