Reply To: Girls and Davening

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Women/girls are potur of mitzvos shehazeman grama, when time is of essence. Growing up in a Chassidishe home and from a very Hungarian background, my sisters and i still remember our mother, she should be well, coming into our rooms on days when there was no school and waking us up saying in Yiddish “look at the time, you are all sleeping and oiver on krias shema”. We did daven, but a shorter version, meaning after Birchas Hashachar we did Boruch sheamar, etc. As we grew older and going to Bais Yakov, davening became part of us. Understood, that mothers who are B”H raising large families sometimes only get to daven Birchas Hashachar and shema! Some girls tend to be lax when they leave school but after a while they pick up again. Try to look at the positive of what some of these girls currently not davening are doing…such as staying with sick patients in the hospital all night and coming home in the early morning and going to sleep while your were sleeping!!!